education Kimbilio Kimbilio Children Staff Stories Uganda

Children For Term One Holiday-2019

This term has been one of the longest but with few days of holidays. This term children got their holidays on 3rd of May and they will be back on 25th of this very Month. We thank God for our committed teachers and all other staff members who make this happen.

Both Kimbilio High and Primary Schools got their holidays on the same date. All the children were so excited to go for holidays and meet their relatives. Most of the children performed well and all the appreciations are to be put on children themselves who are now understanding the value of Education, good atmosphere around them, teachers with out forgetting the leadership for providing all the requirements. We also thank our guardians for picking up their children in time as compared to previous terms.
Our children have been advised also to behave well while at home and in communities where they come from in order to avoid any thing that may endanger their lives. Prior to the day of getting holiday, staff meetings were held and some addresses were made to help the children with good counsel.
All our teaching staff have been given one week of holiday before coming back to plan for the second term. We therefore, wish them nice stay as we now pray for our sponsors for God to provide for the next term.