A lot of joy and happiness overwhelmed during staff end of year party. It has now become a culture here that in December of every year, there has to be a celebration of this kind to relief people from the whole year’s work. Now this year’s celebration was held at Kimbilio Main hall and it took place on 7th/December/2018, beginning at 9:00Am. The participants included our staff and also international guests from Germany under the leadership of Uncle Jakobus.
The celebration began with a lot of out-door activities like any other year such as empty bottle race, ball-in-neck race, short story telling to usher people in the mood and the in-charge games were Teacher Wycliffe Ondego and Owor Ivan.
Besides that, there were a lot speeches from our national directors, international guests,and a representative from the staff, with out forgetting testimonies by some members.
After having shared a delicious meal provided by our Directors, there was giving of gifts by members ( staff). and what i can say is that this time, members have improved on gift buying. We also thank Uncle Jakobus with his team for blessing all the staff members with unexpected/ unique gifts from Germany. This added more joy on the staff and indeed saw the love of God.
All the thanks go to our God who enabled us reach this day, our Directors for provision, our guests for making day colorful and all the staff members for their participation. God bless you all.
Bottle Race Competition Bottle Race Competition Team Of Germans On Dance Serving Lunch Uncle Giving A Speech Uncle Mathias Giving A Speech Uncle Jakobus Giving A Speech Obara Receiving A Gift Heavy Lunch By Staff Staff With Their Gifts Tr Doreen & Nyirira Food Time Aunt Grace Getting A Gift Wangwe Ivan Taking A Goat Wycliffee Being Escorted To Take A Gift To His Partner