For the fourth time Kimbilio is blessing their PLE candidates before they sit their exams.This is a regular item on the agenda of primary schools in Uganda. It goes together with lots of good instructions for the candidates. Besides, it is a good excuse to have a party 😉
Candidates, giving of wishing messages, some presentations by the school children, and finally having a special meal with the candidates. Besides Children being the chief guests, there were guests like the manager DFCU-bank Tororo branch Mr Oscar, who in his message of encouragement to the Candidates and all other children said to the learners that there is a need always to set “a target in all that we do”, if at all we are to achieve our dreams.
While the children representative, Owere Sam only appreciated the directors, teachers, parents and all the sponsors for the support from day one to date and promised to work hard to achieve what is a head of them.
The teachers’ representative Mr Owor Ivan also greatly honored the Management all they were able to provide them with in execution of their duties like:buying of external tests, holding of teachers’ workshops to improve on their skills and above all, he appealed to the candidates to always remember the “old bridge” ( primary teachers) who could have participated a lot in making them reach high school level.
The parents’ representatives only had a vote of thanks to directors, sponsors, the fellow guardians in all their struggles to see that children now at this level. And the head teacher Madam Racheal Alota, thanked parents for their generous support that they have always rendered to their children and all who have played an important part in seeing these pupils off. She requested the guardians to make sure children are not idle at home but rather keep them busy, she quoted “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. She however, concluded by cautioning the candidates to remain with respect for the primary teachers because they are their foundation. She encouraged every one that they have much hope in this year’s candidates in terms of scoring/ performance.
Director education Aunt Grace also gave in her speech of thanking our teachers in all they have been able to do, children for their commitment and parents for their continuous support and care. She only quoted some two wise saying by Martin Luther king Jr, who said” if you can’t fly, run and if you can’t run walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl”, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.
And the other quote was by Eleanor Rosevelt who said” the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.
Towards to conclusion, Uncle Cor concluded by thanking all the speakers, appreciating every one present and only reminded people to always think of” thanks giving in all the lord is doing for us”.
Later Dr. Omalla David who gave a word of God briefly, told the candidates that all the power is with you to determine your next level and finally called up on each and everybody to pray for the candidates.
Good Meal For Our Candidates Primary Teachers Tr Ivan Addressing Pupils Success Crds From Parents Parents/ Guardians For Lunch Candidates Serving Food Candidates Receiving Success Crd From Directors Dr Omalla Praying For Candidates Uncle Cor Addressing Aunt Grace Addressing Tr Racheal Addressing Owere Sam Giving A Speech On Behalf Of friends Manager DFCU Bank As Guest Of Honour