We are so grateful to show you our new great team of prefects from primary section.
We had a number of candidates that registered for different posts but some did not succeed because they did not certify the Electoral Commission Team with the requirements. All children are always given equal privileges to apply, as long as there are able to meet the requirements. This exercise is always important in the way that, it encourages children to explore their talents and prepare for their future leadership challenges.
After campaigning, all members voted for the candidates of their choice , through ballot papers in order to avoid malpractices. The posts that were advertised for candidates to start campaigning included; Head prefects, Head girl, Liturgy, Library, Health/Hygiene, Class monitors, Welfare/ Kitchen, Time keeper,Information, Academic, Games & Sports, among others.
The few who won the battle, were sworn in and prayed for by the whole School and the following Week, they started carrying out their duties.
Thank you for all your support and encouragements.