
Volunteer Wendy Stclair

Wendy was here last year with the team from Roseville California. Now she has decided to come back for a few weeks.Wendy is from Sacramento California and she has offered to do some photo journalism for us. She is writing a blog on her experiences. You are hereby invited to read it. Just click the…

Project Progress

Week 17-Roofing

The roof structure is in place.Next job will be to put the tiles on. The builders are meanwhile working on the plastering of the outside walls and our own staff are painting the classrooms inside. We hope to have it done by the time the school starts again after the easter holidays. Link: http://www.heart4children.org/en/what-we-do/project-progress.htm For…

Project Progress

Week 13 of First School- Block

All the concrete-work is finished on the 1st school-block and now we are preparing for the placement of the roof trusses that have been waiting for some time already. The builders are now working on the plastering of the classrooms. One of the classrooms is already in use by the P3 class. Link: httpc://www.heart4children.org/en/what-we-do/project-progress.htm For…

Kimbilio Children

Meet The New Children Of 2011

After some hard work, we have selected children  for this year’s new P1 class. In the photo are the children with their guardians.Grace  toured  Tororo and the neighboring districts again and came up with these children. Most of them were present on this orientation day, some have not yet turned up. But looking at the…

Staff Stories

Happy New Year!

We can now look back to lots of blessings in 2009 When we look back to the events of 2010 we have a sense of great satisfaction. Surely there have been challenges, but overall we have witnessed Gods hand of blessing over our lives and ministry. In January we were touring Europe and the USA…