Once again, we thank God that we are able to continue working in the midst of the Corona crisis.
This week a lot is being done including the wall fence building (from the lower gate to the the staff quarters), trench repairs by our teachers, raising the new staff house to beam level, partitioning and glass fitting of Kimbilio High School Office, cutting and preparing materials to assemble the main hall furniture, among others. I would like to say that the speed of work is absolutely encouraging. Thank you for all your contributions that makes this possible!
Partitioning KHS-Offices New Staff House On Beam Level New Staff House… Building Wall-Fence Plastering Wall-Fence Teachers building Trench Teachers building Trench Cutting Furniture Materials Cutting Furniture Materials Organizing furniture parts… Teachers repairing trench High School Office…
Some more about the ongoing work…
The staff house is needed before we can move the container workshop.
The wall fence is needed (behind that new staff house and to obstruct the view into the new workshop location) to avoid people preparing to steal from the workshop which is full of expensive materials… too much temptation…
The container office is needed so when the school is starting again we have the managers sitting in office right at the school.
The rainwater gutters needed to be given a new floor which was washed away by heavy rain.
Furniture manufacturing is taking place after we received a donation for making 500 chairs for our main hall. We thank God for that donor. It took us some time to design all the molds so that the workers could manufacture the parts and assemble them in our own workshop. Chairs have a lot of maintenance so it is essential that we can maintain it ourselves else it will look bad in just a few years. Also, when our students are finished with their practical training, we can put them to work in this project so they get plenty of experience in manufacturing. This way they will be able to get exposed to manufacturing.
This way it is a double win!