This Month of June, we are here to talk about the overwhelming joy that our two head teachers, some high school staff and other departmental leaders having desired to have this kind of training to make them fit the current pressure of Dot.Com.World being fulfilled now.
This training is focused on all the staff in Kimbilio whose work require some computer skills.
Although at the moment we have only began with the few as per the available time.
Every Week, they are taught some two lessons and this will take them a period of one term ( 4 months), to cover all what the teacher has planned for them.
To start with the packages include: Word-Processing, Spread-Sheet, Internet-Browsing, Keyboard-Structure and other computer basics. In summary so far the learners are trying to catch up with typing skills.
We believe after the training, there will be some improvement in efficiency in work hence another level of growth and development.