The Kimbilio Library is one of our greatest assets!
Books make the difference between the ignorant and the intellectuals.
All these books are of great help to our children as they help them in research and improving their reading skills especially novels, Christian religious literature, story books, encyclopedia, history books, among others. The Library as per now accommodates both High school students, primary pupils ,teachers plus other staff members.
Currently the library is being managed and monitored by our Secretary Nabuzale Lydia,
who ensures that both old and new stock are all scanned and bar coded and entered in the library system to avoid misuse and loss. From there the system will be able to tell whoever borrowed and has returned or not yet returned. Basing on this, indeed we have been able to account for all the books. The system is also able to provide an overview of how much a child, and what books the child is reading and what subjects interests the child.
The children are give different times to go and select books as per their class time table.As Kimbilio, we have a great debt to our uncle Jakobus Richter who has been spearheading this project. We don’t know how he has been able to collect so many English books from his place in Germany. What we do know is that he truly has a “Heart For Children”. Thank you uncle Jakobus!
Excited Children Grateful To Donars New Books For Scanning Chilldren Reading Story Books Secretary Working On Books Uncle Jakobus With Secretary