In the Dot-Com world today, if you don’t keep up, you miss the boat!
Kimbilio foresaw the challenge and decided to set up a modern Computer lab to make our children compete globally. Yes I said globally because the Internet doesn’t require visas to work in Europe, the USA or Asia.
Now with all the support from our friends and partners from Germany , we have been able to receive some Computers to make this a reality.
We can boldly say that this term one , we have started teaching computer series by the help of the newly recruited teacher Musibira Bonaventure (Bonny) and with other people. This teacher is qualified in this area and we believe he is to help our children and the staff do better work.
Both the children and staff were over whelmed with joy having seen the computer lab in place. This is because it has come at the time when the government has introduced computer study among the recommended and approved subjects to be taught right from primary to university level and also examined by Uganda National Examination Board.
Uncle Cor, the Director believes that our children are to learn more of practicals than mere theory for just passing exams but rather become practically knowledgeable and so employable. The teacher has now set up a time table per class to benefit and allow every one have access.
Tr Patrick & Wycliffee Tr Bonny In A lesson