This was a ‘Walk-Thru-the-Bible’ training course and was basically about “How to deliver more effectively as a teacher”. It was organized by our Director of Education Aunt Grace Koelewijn who is also the National Director of International Christian Ministries – Uganda who just happen to be the representative for Walk-Thru in Uganda.
The word teacher had different meaning as per the letters:
Encouragement and finally,
In brief, the following words explain about what seven laws of a teacher are;
Teacher; If you stop growing today, you stop teaching tomorrow.
Education; process of exciting and directing self activity of pupils.
Activities; Maximum learning is always as a result of maximum involvement of children.
Communication; Reason for our own existence.
Heart; Teaching that impacts is not head to head but from heart to heart.
Readiness; Before one goes to teach, should be prepared with information.
The facilitators included; Dr Omalla David, Aunt Grace Koelewijn, Pr Micheal Owori and Pr Moses Musasizi. And all the participants on the other hand,were a combination of both Kimbilio High and Primary school teachers that attended .
According to the trainees, they loved this seminar so much in the way that it helped to widen their scope of understanding, how to go about teaching process and above all, they were pleased to have training certificates and sharing the testimonies as they were reviewing it’s impact.
They appreciated all the organizers, facilitators of this great vision they had for them.