Our major objective
Our most important goal is to create a healthy Positive Christian environment where young orphans may find a safe home where they get all the needed assistance. In everyday life this comes down to food, shelter, clothing and a good Christian education. This can be summarized as a Christian Boarding School.
Minor objectives
To fulfill the above mentioned major objective, we will aim to do some projects to facilitate this goal.
We intend to build, maintain and operate a nursery, primary, secondary and vocational boarding school. This will be a school complex with a strong emphasis on ‘the Christian Life’ and our calling as Christians as mentioned in the book of Mathew28:19-20:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
In the process, we will give services to the villages around us in the form of clean drinking water, health care, community training.
We start with our main target area; Osia, which is a small village 7 Km away from Tororo town which is in the east of Uganda – (East Africa)
Besides helping children in Uganda, we also want to challenge the youth from more wealthier communities to come and join us and be part of the ministry of helping orphans, not only helping us in this ministry, but also assisting them in case they have a dream of doing something like this by themselves. This will be our great honor; helping others to get started, giving them all the tools they need, sharing with them our experience.
However, we do not limit our activities to this geographical area. We are very open to helping others to setup similar projects in any of the countries around us. This, as we believe we have “freely received, so freely you give” (Jesus in Math 10:8).