Today marks the end of term two after twelve weeks of serious study. Children are very happy to go home for some three weeks of holiday.
The whole of this week, it has been so busy and hectic by the teachers trying to work hard , and meet the deadline.
All the children were issued with report cards apart from Senior four students who are still waiting for their results because they did external Mocks exams. There has been a very serious academic improvement in almost all the classes,for instance in primary two, two pupils emerged number one in position, some thing which shows some stiff competition among the students. The ones who were once weak academically, have now taken over the best positions. The teachers read this term’s best performers from position one to three per class and this motivated them.
Both Schools a day before their holiday, staff meetings were held to see how the term ends and also some communication by different staff to the children on how to keep and protect themselves while way from school. Among the advise received included; maintaining discipline wherever they are, not to forget about their books( studies), not to loose hope because of their results/ performance but rather putting more effort towards their goal.
This is one of the shortest holiday that is going to take us only three weeks and be back by 16th/September to push for third term.