What a beautiful and wonderful DML training has DML brought to the lives of staff! The training was organized by Kimbilio administrators in conjunction with International Christian Ministries ( ICM) Tororo.
The Word DML stands for Discipling Market/ WorkPlace Leaders. It’s mission is to empower the local church to establish and run successful Marketplace Ministries, empowering, equipping, encouraging and discipling business persons to work toward a quadruple bottom line that is measured by spiritual, social, economic and environmental gains. This training was very important to our teaching staff since they have young ones to disciple or teach. The training is for six days and on the Saturday will be for graduation to usher them in their calling.
They will get also certificates and the function will be graced by the guest of Honour. The course also requires a lot of commitment because it has many assignments and group discussions in order to achieve.
The following are some of the topics that are taught that make DML very unique and admirable;
Personalized SWOT Analysis and Personality Inventory, Biblical World View and Ethics (Values), Calling to the Marketplace, Grand Narrative of God, Personal Mission Statement and Goal Setting, Boundaries ie How to manage Relationships ( and Businesses) with LOVE, Integrity and Finance, Customers motivation and time management among others. From the testimonies, many have appreciated the organizers of this great course as many have learnt the secret of planning, doing worship as worship. All the appreciations go to the Kimbilio Directors.