It has been along term but we thank God that we have managed to overcome all the storm.
This term took almost fifteen weeks of serious studies up to the time of holidays.
Both Kimbilio Primary and High schools successfully did their end of term two exams
, whereby Primary seven pupils sat for their mocks exams, which is almost the determinant to their end of year primary leaving examination and the rest of the children did external exams as well. According to the general performance, it was very good and most of the children have so much improved in terms of scoring marks. The exams had serious supervision by the teachers to avoid malpractice amongst the children. Therefore, the children got the real marks out of their own struggle.
Having finished their end of term two exams, all the children got their holiday which will take them some four weeks resting at home and be back by the 17th of this month of September. The holiday is important in that it makes them interact with their family members. As usual, the children were all picked up by their respective guardians to ensure their safety and this also gives a room to their teachers to rest at least for one week and come back to start planning yet for another term which is normally short.
There were other activities carried out by their teachers on sensitizing them about their being in the village, not to relax but to revise their work and behave well in their communities
However, all the thanks go to God who has given us the strength and ability, both the staff & non teaching staff, management and children themselves for their commitments towards this matter, with out forgetting all our sponsors who have always supported us both financially, spiritually, materially among others in making this achievable.